Guidebook writer: I have visited hotels throughout the country and have noticed that in those built before 1930 the quality of the original carpentry work is generally superior to that in hotels built afterward. Clearly carpenters working on hotels before 1930 typically worked with more skill, care, and effort than carpenters who have worked on hotels built subsequently.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the guidebook writer's argument?

The quality of original carpentry in hotels is generally far superior to the quality of original carpentry in other structures, such as houses and stores.

Hotels built since 1930 can generally accommodate more guests than those built before 1930.

The materials available to carpenters working before 1930 were not significantly different in quality from the materials available to carpenters working after 1930.

The better the quality of original carpentry in a building, the less likely that building is to fall into disuse and be demolished.

The average length of apprenticeship for carpenters has declined significantly since 1930.



顺序的因果逻辑为:因为1930 年以前的木工有更好的技术、细心和努力, 所以1930 年以前的原始木工活质量更好。
(果)前提:1930 年以前的原始木工活质量更好。
(因)结论:1930 年以前的木工有更强的技术、细心和努力。

选题方式:果因推理有两个评估方向,简而言之,即,要么给出产生“1930 年以前原始木工活质量更好”的另外一个原因,要么讨论“技术、细心和努力”与“木工活质量更好”之间的关系。


A选项: 酒店的原始木工活的质量一般都要远好于其他房子(比如住家或商店)的原始木工活的质量。本选项描述的是酒店木工活质量相比于其他房子的好坏,既没能给出1930 年以前酒店木工活质量比1930 年以后质量更好的原因,又没能驳斥因果之间的联系,可以排除。

B选项:1930 年以后建造的酒店相对于1930 年以前建造的酒店可以容纳下更多的顾客。本选项描述的是酒店的载客能力,和原始木工活的质量以及工人是否细心完全没有关系。

C选项:1930 年以前给木工提供的原材料的质量和1930 年以后给木工提供的原材料的质量没有很大差别。若1930 年以前木工能用的原材料更好,那么其显然可以解释为什么1930 年以前的木工活质量更好。因此,本选项相当于对“说明结果问题”取非,可以加强推理文段。由于本题问的是“削弱”,所以本选项可以排除。

 Correct. 一座房屋的木工活质量越好,越不容易被丢弃和毁坏。本选项解释了为什么1930 年以前的木工活都是好的,这是因为,木工活不好的酒店都被毁掉了, 根本就看不到了,而并不是因为木工们更加细心和努力。

自从1930 年开始,木工的学徒时间变短了。首先,学徒时间的长短和学习效果的好坏没有任何联系(比如你的GMAT,学习的时间长可不一定等于高分吧?)。其次,本选项和推理文段中的“因”和“果”均没有联系,可以排除。


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