Not trusting themselves to choose wisely among the wide array of investment opportunities on the market, stockbrokers are helping many people who turn to them to buy stocks that could be easily bought directly.
stockbrokers are helping many people who turn to them to buy stocks that could be easily
stockbrokers are helping many people who are turning to them for help in buying stocks that they could easily have
many people are turning to stockbrokers for help from them to buy stocks that could be easily
many people are turning to stockbrokers for help to buy stocks that easily could have been
many people are turning to stockbrokers for help in buying stocks that could easily be
A选项:句首的trust是一个伴随状语,其主语应该和其主句主语相同,即,stockbrokers。但是在逻辑上,不信任自己的应该是人们(many people),而不是股票经纪人。
C选项:from them是赘余的,因为很多人转向经纪人去寻求帮助,肯定是寻求经纪人对自己的帮助,不可能转向经纪人去寻求别人的帮助。
另外,不定式短语to buy stocks用法不正确,应该为介词短语in buying stocks。这点考查了不定式和ing的区别。用之于本题,在主句事件many people are turning to stockbrokers for help发生后,其对“购买股票”这件事的发生与否并没有直接的影响(buy这个事件是turn to help的状语),即,寻求股票经纪的帮助后,和购买股票是两个步骤,寻求了帮助,也不代表就会产生购买股票的行为(也许仅仅是寻求推荐股票,而不实际购买)。
D选项:不定式短语to buy错误同(C);have been此处表示先时性,但是本题中bought directly是股票的一个性质,没有比谁先比谁后的问题。
E选项:Correct. 本选项在语法和逻辑上均是正确的。
已经有了turning to stockbrokers,表示转向某人,不需要再说 from them
have done表示动作的持续到现在或者强调事情的结果持续到现在,股票可以被直接买是一种惯常状态,用一般现在时。
help(v) to do sth
help(n) in doing sth 词性不同搭配的介词也不同!
1.副詞的位置通常置於動詞之前,助動詞之後 注意easily擺放位置
2.have been此处表示先时性
語意3.不是让人帮着去执行买这个动作,而是判断怎么买啥时候买,所以应该是help in buying不是to buy
为什么认为寻求帮助和购买股票是两件事呢?D选项结合虚拟语气的话我觉得说的通啊,就是people找这些brokers帮他们买那些本来就可以轻松买到的股票。因为如果后面是虚拟语气的话,就是说他们本来就要买而且可以轻松买却没有,那前面是to do表示要买就没有问题了吧?
help(v) to do sth
help(n) in doing sth
help 做动词 help to do/help do都可以 Right: He helps rake the leaves.
help 做动词 help in doing Right: He helps to rake the leaves.
Right: He helps me rake the leaves.
Right: He helps me to rake the leaves.
Right: His help in raking the leaves has bee wlecome.
Wrong: He helps me in raking the leaves.
Wrong: I need him as help to rake the leaves.
hmm,,, 并不是让人帮着去执行买这个动作,而是判断怎么买啥时候买,所以应该是help in buying不是to buy
help in buying stocks
Here, help is a NOUN.
When help serves as a noun, help + in + VERBing is correct.
helped to keep peace
Here, helped is a VERB.
When help serves as a VERB, help + INFINITIVE is correct.
2.E is using "easily" to modify "be bought directly." The meaning is that it is easy for people to buy directly. If we move "easily," it is now just modifying "bought." This would mean that what we can do directly is specifically to "easily buy" stocks. It oddly/awkwardly implies that "easy buying" can be direct, but "non-easy buying" cannot. Basically, it violates the order in which we should sensibly apply modifiers.
1.关于help to和help in:
help in buying stocks
Here, help is a NOUN.
When help serves as a noun, help + in + VERBing is correct.
helped to keep peace
Here, helped is a VERB.
When help serves as a VERB, help + INFINITIVE is correct.
你说的对滴,老师这儿讲的并不怎么make sense
其实in或者to do只是idiom的事而已
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(E) fixes that problem: it just uses the conditional tense “could easily be bought directly”, which makes much more sense with the fact that people “are turning to stockbrokers” now.
So (E) is the correct answer, even if you don’t pay much attention to the idiom.
In (D), we have “stocks that easily could have been bought directly”, and that doesn’t completely make sense, since it suggests that the stocks could have been bought directly – in the past! Then why is it that people “are turning to stockbrokers” now – in the present progressive tense, which can ONLY be used for an action that’s happening right now?
Having done和to have done,表示先时性,不表示时态,本句中买股票没有谁先谁后的问题
could have done表示未曾实现的选择
turn to sb for help in doing sth
D选项:时态could have been完成时有问题;
help in buying stocks
Here, help is a NOUN.
When help serves as a noun, help + in + VERBing is correct.
helped to keep peace
Here, helped is a VERB.
When help serves as a VERB, help + INFINITIVE is correct
from them是赘余的,因为很多人转向经纪人去寻求帮助,肯定是寻求经纪人对自己的帮助,不可能转向经纪人去寻求别人的帮助。