Each year companies in the United States could save as much as $58 billion annually by preventing illness among employees and gain as much as $200 billion through improving performance of workers if they simply provided offices with cleaner air.
annually by preventing illness among employees and gain as much as $200 billion through improving performance of workers if they simply provided
annually if they prevented employee illness and gain as much as $200 billion through worker performance improved by simply providing
annually in employee illness prevention and gain as much as $200 billion through worker performance improved by simply providing
in employee illness prevention and gain as much as $200 billion through improving performance of workers if they simply provided
by preventing illness among employees and gain as much as $200 billion through improved worker performance if they simply provided
同问为啥improved. 另外by……和in都是状语,所以我用内涵和外延判断prevention应该是一个没有终点的的动作啊,所以是-ing
annually与前面each year重复,排除ABC
improved worker performance,实质平行