首先AB选项,depending on mass这个状语,就近修饰的是动词pass,语义变成,星星能不能通过红巨星阶段是取决于质量的,这个语义通过前文来判定是不对的,应该是 星星会压缩成后面3种的哪一种取决于质量,CE选项,passing的逻辑主语是mass,错误
so much A as B与其说A不如说B
it is hoped 表客观,ETS prefer
hopefully 表主观,GMAT中一般为错误选项
have not only disputed…… but also questioned ……
表明证据 和 为什么 是两回事
平行,to read…… is to feel……
read of 阅悉,听闻
定语从句weather conditions that cannot be foreseen(主谓宾--事实--没有被预见到的天气情况)被改成weather conditions that are not foreseeable(主系表--特征--不具备可预见性的天气)【×】
the book is not touchable. 描述书的一种特征:不可触摸
the book is not touched. 描述书的一个事实:没有被触摸过,但≠不可触摸
M:计划【投资investment 从煤炭公司转向污染较少的能源公司】。因为 消费者 <对无污染能源的需求越来越高↑>,能源公司也越来越多地供应它。
T:我不确定我们应该按照你的建议去做。 随着<对无污染能源的需求相对于供应的增加↑>,其价格将上涨,然后污染程度较高的能源成本相对较低。 对更便宜、更脏的能源形式的需求将会增加,生产它们的公司的股票价值也会增加。
说明 得出选项D的结论:建议【保持 现有能源投资investment 不变】更好
Weaken 削弱:by 攻击数据样本【200多颗】的代表性(有效性or相关性)
A. 有数以百万计的【行星×】绕着恒星运行,天文学家还没有试图探测到这些行星。(虽然属于质疑样本不够大,但忽略了样本必须是【小】行星,忽略了样本的相关性)
D.行星相对于其运行的恒星越【小√】,天文学家就越难探测。(注意题目当中出现的限定词smaller,对应 此选项的行星范围更窄,更能体现样本的相关性)
①否定他因(本题D选项) ②加强因果关系
D. 拥有【人文学科以外】学位的【大都会城居民】【人均收入】 不高于 全国其他同等规模城市此类居民的人均收入。--- (去除其他因素的影响,所以可以加强)
"the bottom line" = “profit"
the pronoun “it” actually refers to “the amount of energy used by visible equipment” because this is the only kind of energy the sentence has mentioned so far.
C:The connector “comma + and” changes the structure and the logic of the sentence, as we saw in Choice C.
The subject “the timber frame” has two verbs — incorporates and is — but these verbs are not connected by any conjunction.
that was used has four times the tensile strength steel does, and the timber frame incorporates
B:steel has
Option D is a popular incorrect choice. However, if we look closely, we can see this option repeats the same error we see in option A. Choice D still illogically associates the “digging” as being “almost an epic” and not “the family legend.” So, D should leave the same bad taste in your mouth as option A does.
The phrase “so as to” means “in order to.” Now, the sentence says that land graders can flatten uneven farmlands “so as not to” = in order not to waste rainwater. So, the sentence suggests that the previous models of land graders used to waste rainwater. But this advanced model can flatten uneven land not to waste water. This meaning is illogical because land graders do not waste water any which way. Land graders have got nothing to do with rainwaters. This sentence presents an illogical meaning and hence is incorrect.
“including” messes up the meaning: Reading this sentence very carefully until the end makes it clear that the use of “including” makes the sentence illogical. Once you understand this point, you can get rid of THREE answer choices straight away without analyzing them. Imagine how much time you will save if you spend some time diligently on the original sentence.
“a possible workshop” is a hoax: I mean, think about it. There can be “a ballet workshop,” “an acting workshop.” How can there be a “possible” workshop? Is “possible” a kind of workshop? It makes no sense. The sentence speaks of a site that was possibly a workshop.
spokesman用客观事实证明not brighter去反驳resident主观性地直视灯源而下的主观性结论brighter。因此,我们要选的就是与spokesman类似的推理方法:用客观的事实反驳主观的判断!
市民觉得太亮费电,发言人,Testing with a sophisticated light meter用专业的测量过,不费电
A 医生说病人没病,用了血液检查(专业测量)
D 调查员怀疑测谎仪,用了病例的问题 (怀疑了专业仪器啊,啊啊啊啊 我看反了)